Nick Kellet

What Google's Bard Says About Deckible's Digital Card Deck Marketplace

What Google's Bard Says About Deckible's Digital Card Deck Marketplace

A digital marketplace for card decks. It allows users to discover, purchase, and use digital card decks for a variety of purposes, including tarot readings, meditation, ideation, and gaming.
1 min read
Deckible 1.0.15 - Six Updates

Deckible 1.0.15 - Six Updates

A bunch of tiny fixes mostly focussed on smoothing out the user experience.
2 min read
Nine Benefits of Generating a QR code for your Card Deck

Nine Benefits of Generating a QR code for your Card Deck

There are many benefits to having a QR code for your product. Here's 9. We do it automatically on Deckible for each published deck.
3 min read
What if More People Used More Wellness Card Decks in Their Daily Rituals?

What if More People Used More Wellness Card Decks in Their Daily Rituals?

Card decks are a tool, used by a dedicated community, who use them a lot. We ask a simple question, what if more people embodied these values & integrated card decks into their lives
2 min read
Spiritual Card Deck Community:  3 Common Traits

Spiritual Card Deck Community: 3 Common Traits

Who are the people who use card decks? Curious, Introspective, & Open-Minded . Personal growth, & Self-Improvement, Collectors & Community
1 min read
What if Card Decks had a Third Side? Digitally decks can!

What if Card Decks had a Third Side? Digitally decks can!

If card decks had a third side, it opens up new possibilities for games, learning and engaging activities. So many options to be creative and involve your audience.
2 min read
New Deck Collage Images, Lucky Deck, Lucky Draw & Deckible App Update

New Deck Collage Images, Lucky Deck, Lucky Draw & Deckible App Update

Collages of cards help communicate a deck's value. Today we auto generate card-art collages & save these collages to your deck sales page.
6 min read
Seven Reasons Why Card Decks Drive Your Daily Wellness Routines / Rituals

Seven Reasons Why Card Decks Drive Your Daily Wellness Routines / Rituals

Here five reasons why someone might choose to use card decks for their wellness practices. Using card decks for daily wellness rituals can be a helpful way to incorporate mindfulness and self-reflection into your daily routine.
1 min read
Genres, Creators, Deck Store Update. Optimizing for SEO & Usability

Genres, Creators, Deck Store Update. Optimizing for SEO & Usability

Directories are complex. A balance simplicity & power. An iterative process. Almost 500 decks makes 18 genres look like too few. Time to evolve.
6 min read
Card Deck Creators & The Digital Deck Opportunity

Card Deck Creators & The Digital Deck Opportunity

Are you are letting attention go to books, emails, SMS, movies, videos, photos and audio platforms. The 4+ hours a day on phones is spent on media other than cards decks.
3 min read