Nick Kellet

Card Deck Collections. Is it an addiction? Or is it art?

Five Reasons We Collect Tarot, Oracle & Affirmation Card Decks

Collecting Card Decks is a thing. It's even a mild addiction. Those who love decks own 10-20 decks. To deck owners it no surprise. Many own more than this.
2 min read
Five Reasons we Love Tarot, Oracle, Manifesting & Affirmation Card Decks

Five Reasons we Love Tarot, Oracle, Manifesting & Affirmation Card Decks

Practices like tarot reading, jouraling, and manifestation have jumped in popularity in that last decade. New decks will always be random, exciting (and fun) to buy a new deck of tarot / oracle cards.
1 min read
Digital Card Deck Publishing Platform Trend

Digital Card Deck Publishing Platform Trend

To turn your card deck into a digital card deck you need a platform, like Deckible to make that process simple and scalable. Without a platform you need to create your own app and this is not a cheap or simple process.
6 min read
Digital Card Deck Platforms:  Help Monetize your Card Decks

Digital Card Deck Platforms: Help Monetize your Card Decks

Digital Card Deck platforms let you carry a library of decks on your phone. Decks from all sorts of genres. Digital Card Deck platforms let you benefit from the form factor of Card Decks.
4 min read
New App / New Team /  400+ Digital Card Decks on Deckible Platform

New App / New Team / 400+ Digital Card Decks on Deckible Platform

We're excited to share the release of the next version of Deckible. There's some significant changes
9 min read
6 Steps to Promoting Your Card Deck on Deckible and Beyond.

6 Steps to Promoting Your Card Deck on Deckible and Beyond.

Here's 6 simple things to think about when seeking to promote your Deck:
6 min read
Creator Payments on Deckible & Customer Sales

Creator Payments on Deckible & Customer Sales

If you have a published deck, make sure you are logged in, then go here.
1 min read
How do people use card decks?

How do people use card decks?

Card decks are a type of tool that consists of a set of cards, each of which has a specific
2 min read
Gifting Decks to Customers

Gifting Decks to Customers

Many creators have asked about a way to give or "gift" a copy of their Deck to a
2 min read
Deckible Q&A

Deckible Q&A

Come join me for a 45 minute conversation. I can answer your questions and share more on our vision and
1 min read