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Five Reasons we Love Tarot, Oracle, Manifesting & Affirmation Card Decks

Practices like tarot reading, jouraling, and manifestation have jumped in popularity in that last decade. New decks will always be random, exciting (and fun) to buy a new deck of tarot / oracle cards.
Five Reasons we Love Tarot, Oracle, Manifesting & Affirmation Card Decks
Photo by Cat Crawford / Unsplash

Why do we love tarot, oracle, affirmation cards?

Practices like tarot reading, jouraling, and manifestation  have jumped in popularity in that last decade. We all have some ability to direct our destiny. Yet  it will always remain random,  exciting (and fun) to buy a new deck of tarot / oracle cards and see what a new  spread  promises to teach  you about what lies ahead.

Each deck offers something new. Some new set of words. Some new style of art. A new author. A new genre of deck,  or new to your collection at least.

We keep asking the question why do we collect decks? Why do we love decks so much? What is the draw. What is the emotional connection?

There are five reasons why people may love these card decks:

  1. Insight and guidance: Tarot & Oracle cards are often used as a tool for divination or gaining insight and guidance on various aspects of life, such as relationships, career, and spirituality.
  2. Self-discovery: Tarot & Oracle readings can also help individuals to explore their own thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. The symbolism and imagery on the cards can provide a way for people to connect with their own inner wisdom and intuition.
  3. Entertainment and curiosity: Some people may enjoy tarot as a form of entertainment or out of curiosity. They may be interested in the history and cultural significance of tarot, or they may find it fun to see what the cards have to say about their lives.
  4. Connection with spirituality: Tarot can be a way for people to connect with their spirituality and explore deeper questions about the universe and their place in it.
  5. Personal growth and development: Tarot can also be used as a tool for personal growth and development. Through tarot readings, individuals can gain insights into their own patterns and behaviors, and work to overcome challenges and obstacles in their lives. It's all about asking questions and being willing to self-reflect.