U9: Final finishing touches
We have now completed several iterations with Apple and have submitted again. I sense we are close. I just read this fun document again.
We've changed app descriptions, dropped Audible for Decks as a metaphor for the app on the app description. No trademarks allowed.
We fixed two iterations of message requesting contact information.
And we also tidied up the purchasing process. Now showing an "in-progress" indicator.
We also added the size of the download and provided feedback.
Also, the big news is we have completed Stripe Integration on Deckible.com's marketplace. It's currently in "test mode". See below for more info. This is now live.
In the process, the whole workflow for purchasing decks has been tidied up. And it all look a little slicker/cuter.
This enables many many things moving forward.
The marketplace is simple Deckible's app store for decks.
Here's a simple workflow in 3 screenshots.
Find your deck in the marketplace.
And add it to the cart.

Notice the cart indicator top right and the pay bar in the footer.
You can click on the cart to take you to your items in the cart.
You can also click on the deck name in the pay bar in the footer.
If you have more than one deck you can click on the deck count and it lists your items.
You can remove a deck from the cart at this point
Click on Pay with Card
Click on pay when your details are complete.
This is in "TEST MODE" and is powered by stripe.

Completed Purchases
You will now be directed to view all your purchased decks
You can now access these decks in the app

Notice we are "TEST MODE" - in this case no charges will be made to your card.
Here's some details from Stripe.
When testing interactively, use a card number, such as 4242 4242 4242 4242. Enter the card number in the Dashboard or in any payment form.
- Use a valid future date, such as 12/34.
- Use any three-digit CVC (four digits for American Express cards).
Your current user email address is passed visibly to Stripe (so you don't need to enter it), and the total is calculated based on the decks you are purchasing.
When we live we will remove the "TEST MODE".
We will also do a reset on your decks and your timeline as per prior communications. During beta and creator was allowed to use any other creator's decks for free.
This means we will delete all history. And we all begin with an empty timeline.
We will update you via email when we are live.
There will be a charge for the deckible store. We have to cover Stripe fees and we have platform costs and development etc
We view the Deckible Marketplace in the same light as the app stores and that's how this fits into the existing agreement.
This is very much a marathon not a sprint and thoughts and ideas will evolve with time.
New creators
We will charge 15% for the Deckible marketplace, just like other app stores/marketplaces.
Published Creators
We want to reward existing creators who have loaded published decks by the end of the 42 count-down.
For these people we will grandfather a rate of 7% (vs 15%).
To qualify, you must be a user on Deckible and have an approved/published deck.
You still have time. 42 days and more.
Things have taken longer than planned and I've been focussed on the product completion and submission. I'm going to pause for a 7-10 days while Apple gets confirmed and I've also got a move and a my daughter's wedding attend.
So I will work on a plan.
The 42 days is solid. The 500 decks is a very real goal
I set an initial goal of 100.
We now have passed 250.
We will pass 500 during the countdown phase.
Not long after that I think we will reach 1000's creators on Deckible and over 1000 published decks.
When we reach 1,000 decks we can contemplate offering a subscription and let people get one deck a month, just like Audible. We make it simpler and expected to buy a deck a month. The rich catalog makes that possible.
This did seem a far off dream, but now it seems like a much closer time horizon.
1000 decks is my estimate for a tipping point.
The 1% rule is an amazing rule of thumb. More on that later in this post. We have a deck on the topic called unlurk me.

Unlurking is all about getting people to step out of the shadows and be seen and to invite them, welcome the and integrate them into the community.
If we have 1000 creators based on 1:9:90 we would have 100k community members. And that would mean a million people or move have heard of Deckible.
And at that point 1 million members is in sight. People will be finding of. We will be unearthing people in the fringe.
And any one of these people could become tomorrow's creator. And off the cycle goes again. Each creator has their own community. We are building a living entity. Deckible is living force. It is energy.

We have a community that becomes more valuable with each new creator and each new deck. And each of the 24 laws apply to the community at large.
I sold 100k units of my game and Listly has +1 million users and I have strong sense of what it takes to build community. I've done it before. As a benchmark where we are with Deckible is phenomenal.
Tipping points and momentum is where it's at.
We all need to be seen to having, having a party.
And when people see that they want to join in.
We are creating a new form of media for the phone. We believe if executed well that decks can outsell business books and courses.
It's a big dream but imagine how many people we can help.
This is just the beginning. The rocket ship is about to launch.
We will providing some tools to help collaboration and sharing. More on this soon.
Share clubs are clusters of 7 decks and 7 creators who all agree to act to co-promote each others content.
Share clubs make it easy to share media.
People expect to see video. And that presents challenges to share across a group.
We believe we can solve these challenges and create a culture of generosity and sharing into the bargain
We have held off on submitting to Google for technical reasons. More on that when we know more. Google accounts for 50% of the revenue compared to Apple, so it's less significant. Or Apple accounts for 66% of sales give or take.
We have the Deckible Marketplace and we may well submit to Google without in-app purchases. We are actively exploring options.
The app works identically on Apple and Android, so it's not a coding problem. The app works great on both.
We have a couple of options here. We are working on completing this deck and releasing it slowly to people. during the 42 day countdown, just like an advent calendar

It's a launch deck to help you become a deck explorer or a deck creator.

We also have the YouTUBE tarot deck and the Black and White Rider Waite Deck
I also may gift a copy of the UnLurk Me deck to all creators. The deck is packed with amazingly valuable advice on community building.
It's was book I nearly published with Jane Boyd from a few years ago around 2015. And it's super relevant now. I didn't pursue it because I just didn't want to focus on a book. I'm more excited by technology and psychology.
Jane and I had a lot o fun unraveling our thinking and writing down these laws.
The laws written from all the experience on List.ly, Twitter and so much more. And Jane drew on her experiences with Sobcon and Education. Jane and I ran an unlurk me twitter weekly meetup.

1:9:90 or the 1% rule as it's also know explains the dynamics of community. Why 90% of the people sit in the shadows, but also why they are valuable. And the fact that they can be encouraged to step into the light and participate.
The law of a million thirds explains it well.

Jane and I worked together to pen 24 Laws or Lurking. The deck is on Deckible.
I've reread it several times and I'm really quite impressed. The flip side of each card has so much more information.

These are the 24 laws. Grouped into 3 suits. You'd almost think I was designing a deck not a book!
Fate was guiding me to card decks. 7 years.
My favorite law is the law of the back channel.
We are so focussed on social media that we think things happen in plain sight. Lows of tiny impact interactions.
The powerful things happen in corridors, in the halls of power. sure they are fewer, but they have more impact. Ignore the backchannel at your peril.
Before you see things the backchannel has shaped the future.
So know where and who and how you influence and are being influenced.

There's lots of other slide decks I published on the topic of lurking back in 2o15
You will no doubt hear more about 1:9:90 and the unlurk me deck.
If you have - one let us know
If you have a suggestion for an interview/postcast - make the intro.
If you have a blog and want to write a post announcing Deckible - go for it.
If you know a deck creator , nudge them in this direction.