2 min read

Why should tarot/ oracle/ affirmation card creators sell their decks as a digital experience. As an app?

Have you thought about taking your deck digital? Have your exploring selling your deck via an app? Books, Movies, Music have all moved to digital. Decks will too. Are you ready to go digital? What do you need to know?
Why should tarot/ oracle/ affirmation card creators sell their decks as a digital experience. As an app?
Photo by Hal Gatewood / Unsplash

Have you thought about taking your deck digital? Have your exploring selling your deck via an app? Digital decks are new. Its valuable to be an early adopter. Be a first mover. Learn from the process and the experience. Don't miss out on the move to digital

Books, Movies, Music have all moved to digital. Card Decks will do the same, over time. It just makes sense. As shipping and printing costs rise. And people get used to the convenience of digital.

Here are some of our thinking as we approach the digital card deck opportunity:

1 Explain the benefits: One of the best ways to convince tarot card creators to promote your app is to clearly explain the benefits of doing so. For example, you could explain how promoting your app can help them reach a wider audience and increase their own brand exposure.

2 Show how you can support their marketing efforts: Offer to provide resources or support to help the tarot card creators promote your app to their audience. This might include providing promotional materials, helping with social media campaigns, or offering other forms of support. Sharing is easier and more trackable digitally.

3 Demonstrate the value of your app: Be sure to clearly communicate the value of your app to the tarot card creators and their audience. Explain how your app can help users connect with tarot in a meaningful way, and highlight any unique features or resources that you offer. Not everyone thinks about how digital card decks and do more. Journaling, meditation & sharing are 3 good examples. Also being able to integrate audio/video

4 Offer a mutually beneficial partnership: If you are offering to partner with the tarot card creators to promote your app, be sure to offer a mutually beneficial partnership. This might include offering a percentage of the profits or other incentives for promoting your app. Think about being able to sell globally and being part of a community of card deck creator that can help you grow and get found.

5 Be professional and respectful: It's important to approach the tarot card creators in a professional and respectful manner. Be sure to present yourself and your app in a positive light and be open to feedback and negotiation. This is a marathon not a sprint. Some creators will be emotionally attached to the experience of print. You can convince people, you can simply be there are the moment they decide to go deeper and to explore digital.

Are you ready to go digital? What do you need to know?