Deckible Quick Draw/Suit Draw Card Deck Customiztion

Creators can now to turn off quick draw, free-form and suit draw options.
You can name the suit, name your journaling experience.

You get to the customization options via the "Deck Options" button. You can see this from your checklist page.
Here's all the current options.

It's pretty self explanatory. Turn things on or off.
Here's the Simple truths deck with these settings in effect.
We have in effect turned off 5 options
Here is the original wash a pig deck with all the options.
Here is the revised deck with just on option to play the game
This just means, you the creator can control the experience
It means as we extend deckible, we don't need to bloat everyone's choices
It's just simpler for your customer.
Of the 600 decks on Deckible, roughly 5% use suit draw.
I think more people would use it it they understood and knew it was an option.
Splitting decks into suits is common.
Wanting to pick from one suit or another is common.