6 Steps to Promoting Your Card Deck on Deckible and Beyond.
Promoting your work is essential if you want people to buy your deck(s).
Getting your work out into the public domain is not an overnight job. You need to plan for the long haul. Slow and steady is the way.
Deckible makes it easier to promote your deck (see Promote & Share), but you still need a marketing strategy to share your deck regularly via all your social channels.
Deckible also make your deck more accessible.
You need to work to grow your social following and to follow other people who can share your work. The Deckible community is a great place to seek out these connections.
Here's 6 simple things to think about when seeking to promote your Deck:
1. What Problem Does Your Deck solve?
Don't assume people know what your deck is for and why it exists.
Explain the problem your deck solves in the description and tagline and also explain how to use it.
Explain the benefits your customer will experience.
Before owning your deck: X
After owning your deck: Y
Find your X and Y.
Also don't forget to explain the value of having your deck with you at all times (i.e. digitally)
We all have spare moments during the day. A moment to use your deck, but that opportunity is lost if the deck is left at home. We never leave our phones at home, i.e. explain the Deckible advantage.
Explain WIFIM (what's in it for me, for your customer). This is often not communicated in your deck's name or on the box cover.
So make it obvious and make sure this in included in your deck description and your deck promotion. Update your box art to reflect this once you know your message resonates.
It's worth making sure you box art has a bold, effective design. This is easier to achieve if you know your customer, the problems they face and how you solve it.
2. Share Varied Visuals ( via Share and Promote screen)
Most decks have amazing artwork, so don't forget to share this. Share various cards in assorted combinations to communicate the value your deck brings to solving a specific problem.
It is time consuming to collect, arrange promote your artwork in all its various forms. Deckible makes is simpler/quicker to create many collage arrangements of your cards.
Generally it's more interesting to show a random collection of cards rather than a single card (and this takes yet more time to do by hand).
This is why we created the "Promote and Share" page to make it easy for you to create an assortment of deck promotion images in less time.
To save the images for sharing , simply right click on the image to save.
There are many options and each time you choose one, it loads with a new set of random cards.

3. Hand Driven Animated Deckible Video
I've made many videos of Deckible on my iphone and ipad/tablet and they look great, but then I realized one thing.
You don't see any hands. You don't see the actions and the experience of using the app. You could just be looking at an animated video and not the actual app.
So, instead, video yourself using the app, to clearly communicate the tactile experience that the app offers.

Here's one example
This clearly communicates the experience that the app offers.
Here's two examples. Ceris O’ Neill was the original inspiration for this. The second example was one that I created.
Make one for your deck and share it with the hashtag #deckible.
Film your hand touching your phone/tablet while using the app. This does require a second device and often an extra pair of hands, but it is worth it. I filmed mine by myself.
- Show the act of choosing cards
- Show pinching and zooming and arranging cards
- Show journaling/meditation etc
This assumes nothing and clearly communicates the experience.
People are left in no doubt that the app is tactile, and that matters. Tactile is the key to engagement.
If you are not familiar with doing this in the app, that is a problem. It's hard to expect your customers to use the app if you are not using it yourself.
Are you using the app on a daily basis?
4. Communicate the basic facts.
"if you can't fix it, feature it" feels like an applicable expression.
Deckible is new and digital decks are a new category. So feature these facts in your promotional activity.
- Deckible is digital. An app for IOS/Android. Get an account at Deckible.com
- Deckible work for all sorts of decks from Tarot to Coaching Cards to Journal Prompts and beyond.
- You can have many decks in the one app, with is a marketplace of 400+ decks to buy and enjoy. It's very much like Audible.
Together, we are creating a category. This is not easy and takes much repetition.
5. Collaborate & Co-Promote Your Deck(s)
We all get consumed with our own deck(s), but in reality your audience have likely seen your deck(s) already. Yes there is a need to repeat your message, but there is also value in sharing other decks.
If you show them someone else's deck. And that creator else share's your deck with their audience, you both win.
You expose your deck to a new audience and you make your feed more interesting by sharing another person's deck.
This makes so much sense, but for some people that is hard to get their head around. We tend to think of ourself too much.
This is also a great networking strategy.
Deckible offers a community of 100's of creators with whom you can connect and co-promote each other's decks.
So find the decks you like. Buy them, use them. And reach out to the creator. And agree to promote each other's deck.
It's very simple. And highly effective.
People who use the app and promote the app sell more decks. It' very simple.
6. Deckible SEO Will Help you get found.
In the short term, it's essential that you promote your deck through all your social channels as outlined above.
In the medium term Deckible will take on a bigger roll of promoting your deck as we acquire more SEO status/ranking.
All published decks and all creators with published decks and a completed profile are indexed and automatically submitted to Google etc .
Your deck and your community page are well-structured and indexed to support the goal of helping you get found.
So right now you should link to these pages from your blog. Write a review of deckible and link to your deck and link to your specific deck and creator profile pages.
Here's two examples.
eg Deck Landing Page
This url is dynamically constructed from your deck name and your deck tagline. You can update these and the URL will still work.

eg Creator Profile Landing Page
This url is dynamically constructed from your profile name and your profile tagline.

The description of your deck and your user profile description all add to the SEO keywords and the search value of your page.
It's very simple. As more creators add links to Deckible, these pages will become more highly ranked and more findable.
Do make sure you have taglines for your decks and you profile. These pages are worth investing in and iterating upon. Check with your clients to see if they resonate with the messages they communicate.