4 min read

Card Decks: A Communication Medium Like Books, Movies, Games & Songs

More than games; a versatile mcluhan medium for learning, creativity, divination, & personal growth. Engage in a hands-on, visual nonlinear experience.
Card Decks:  A Communication Medium Like Books, Movies, Games & Songs

Card decks, like books, movies, songs, and games, are a medium of communication that conveys information, ideas, emotions, or experiences. While each medium has its own format and unique way of engaging its audience, card decks share key characteristics that make them a distinct but equally powerful form of expression and interaction.

"The medium is the message" is a phrase coined by the Canadian communication theorist Marshall McLuhan and the name of the first chapter[1] in his Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, published in 1964.[2][3] McLuhan proposes that a communication medium itself, not the messages it carries, should be the primary focus of study. He argued that artifacts such as media affect any society by their characteristics, or content.[4]

1. Structured Yet Flexible Content

  • Books present content in a linear format with chapters or sections.
  • Movies unfold in a sequence of scenes, guiding the viewer from beginning to end.
  • Songs express emotions or stories through verses and choruses.
  • Games offer rules and mechanics that lead to specific outcomes.

Card decks are similarly structured with each card representing a piece of content—whether it’s text, an image, or a symbol. However, unlike books or movies that are consumed linearly, a deck allows for flexible interaction. Cards can be drawn in any order, allowing for a personalized and dynamic experience, much like the non-linear storytelling seen in video games or interactive media.

2. Engagement and Participation

  • Movies and songs are often passive forms of consumption where the audience absorbs a finished product.
  • Books and games require more active mental engagement, as the reader or player processes information and makes decisions.

Card decks, particularly those used in learning, personal growth, or games, are highly interactive. Users engage with them by shuffling, drawing, arranging, or interpreting the cards, making each session unique. Whether it’s a tarot deck, a creative prompt deck, or a strategy deck, the user participates in shaping the experience, much like how a game player’s decisions shape the outcome of a game.

3. Storytelling and Meaning

Every medium tells stories, whether it’s through plot, lyrics, or gameplay. Card decks also tell stories, either explicitly or implicitly:

  • In tarot, for instance, the combination of cards can reveal a narrative or emotional journey that’s shaped by the user’s interpretation.
  • In games like “Magic: The Gathering” or “Yu-Gi-Oh!,” card decks are used to unfold strategic battles that often create emergent stories between players.
  • Affirmation decks or creativity decks offer a series of small, interconnected moments of reflection or inspiration, where each card adds to an overall theme or message.

In this way, a card deck is modular storytelling—it provides the pieces, and the user assembles the meaning based on how the cards are drawn or interpreted, offering a fresh story each time.

4. Emotional and Intellectual Impact

Different media evoke different emotional responses—books might transport us to new worlds, songs can stir deep emotions, and movies often create intense experiences through visuals and sound.

  • Card decks evoke emotions or provoke thought through their content, which can range from uplifting (in the case of affirmation or mindfulness decks) to intellectual (e.g., trivia or educational decks). A user might feel empowered by a motivational card or inspired by a creative prompt. Decks with a spiritual or introspective focus can guide users through personal exploration, much like how music or art can be emotionally transformative.

5. Medium for Exploration and Discovery

Books, movies, and games are often used as tools for discovery—whether that’s learning about new ideas, exploring different perspectives, or understanding oneself. Card decks are similarly used for exploration:

  • A flashcard deck helps users explore knowledge in bite-sized pieces.
  • A tarot deck can help someone explore their thoughts and emotions.
  • Prompt cards inspire creative exploration, unlocking new ways of thinking or problem-solving.

Each medium has the potential to open up new ways of seeing the world, and card decks are particularly versatile in this regard because of their flexibility and adaptability.

6. Cultural and Creative Expression

Just like books, songs, and movies are forms of cultural expression, card decks often reflect the culture, creativity, and artistic vision of their creators. Artists, writers, and designers pour their unique perspectives into the creation of card decks, resulting in decks that are not just functional but also visually and conceptually rich.

A well-designed deck can be as artistic as a painting or as deeply crafted as a novel. The cards' artwork, design, and content can reflect anything from ancient traditions (as in tarot or oracle decks) to modern philosophies, educational frameworks, or even pop culture references.

7. Portability and Personal Interaction

While books and songs can be portable, card decks have a unique tactile and personal element. They are often small enough to be carried anywhere, and the act of shuffling, drawing, or spreading out cards creates a hands-on, physical connection with the medium. This interaction can make card decks feel intimate and personal, offering a level of engagement similar to the way games or instruments involve the hands as well as the mind.

Technology and Card decks, as a Medium

“The effects of technology do not occur at the level of opinions or concepts,” wrote McLuhan. Rather they “alter patterns of perception steadily and without any resistance.” In Understanding, McLuhan proffered “A new medium is never an addition to an old one, nor does it leave the old one in peace.

Mcluhan's thinking provides a lot of insight into the impact of card decks as a medium. This is magnified when you shift from printed card decks to digital

Card decks, as a medium, offer a unique blend of interactivity, flexibility, and modular storytelling. They invite the user to engage directly with the content, whether for entertainment, self-reflection, or learning.

Like books, songs, or films, they communicate ideas and emotions, but their true strength lies in how they put control in the hands of the user.

By allowing for non-linear, personalized interaction, card decks become a highly adaptable and creative medium, appealing to people across a broad range of interests and needs.