2 min read

Calling The Card Deck Curious - Ready Deck Go Part 1 of 5

Card-deck industry is BOOMING, 100k unique English decks! Short, sweet & engaging. Personalized for you. Platforms galore. Creative explosion. Stay tuned for Parts 2-5,
Calling The Card Deck Curious - Ready Deck Go Part 1 of 5

Are You Card Deck Curious ?

Join us & Dive into Exploring the Card Deck Trend

Calling all card enthusiasts! 🃏

The card deck industry is BOOMING, with over 100,000 unique English decks alone! Publishers are jumping on board, but most decks are still physical & not digital.

Think Kindle & Audible - those weren't publisher ideas! It's time for a digital deck revolution!

Here's why decks are the future:

  • Short, sweet & engaging: Decks are like bite-sized learning & entertainment. Fun, visual & perfect for our busy lives!
  • Personalized for you: Daily practices, self-care & finding your purpose - decks can cater to your needs & learning styles.
  • Platforms galore: From creation (Canva!) to distribution (Amazon, Etsy) & integration (Deckible!), there's a whole ecosystem for card decks.
  • The creative explosion: Influencers love decks, & with more creators out there, the possibilities are endless!

Stay tuned for Parts 2-5, where we'll dive deeper into the 4 key drivers of the card deck trend!

The Card deck industry is are growing. 100k unique card decks in English only is our current estimate.

Every publisher has a collection of card decks, but it's been a side business for most. Few have been sold digitally. It's early days.

Publishers are not known for being early adopters.

Looks a Kindle and Audible. These ideas came from outside the industry - from a technology company.

What is important to see the rise of deck & the rise of digital. It's inevitable.

  • Look at Spotify, Audible, Kindle.
  • Looks at Games.
  • Looks at News.

The power of media and media platforms is undeniable.

Digital fits out modern life-style.

What's undeniable is that year-on-year people buy a higher percentage of audiobooks & kindle style ebooks. Digital fits out modern life-style.

At Deckible we are unique in analyzing the card deck industry as a whole. We are focussed on creating a bigger pie for all.

Others just analyze segments. There are many. It feels fragmented.

Outside the mainstream publisher (the big 5), there are many smaller publishers & many indie publishers & even more self-publishers.

Platforms like Kickstarter, Amazon & Etsy have made is easy for people to create & launch their own card deck.

Canva, AI, ChatGPT, Mid-Journey and the like have enabled many more people to be a creator.

In the next few days I'm breaking down the deck trend into 4 key drivers of growth.

Format / Medium / Short0form Media Trend

  • short-form: visual / variety / snacky / random
  • memorable: experience = educational
  • senses : playful, engaging, doing, choosing

Personalize Trend

  • Habit-forming: Daily Practice . Important in land of the doom scrollers.
  • Self-care: Wellness/Mindfulness. Find purpose or peace. Enough
  • Choice: choose the deck to meet you need (work or play) & learning style

Card Deck Platform Trend

  • Creation: canva, print on demand platforms, china accessibility, card deck creation courses / communities.
  • Distribution: amazon, etsy, kickstarter, indiegogo, deckible
  • Integration: API etc

Card Deck & The Creative Economy Trend

  • Influencers: lead or follow. Hard to ignore.
  • Experience: design digital experiences not just art, words or insights.
  • Innovation: More creatives, more ideas, more energy & diversity.