5 min read

Build a Community Around Your Card Deck

Build A Card-Deck Centered Community. The Evolving Deck. Build Community around 1:9:90 (the 1% Rule). The Power of Community, Experts & Platforms
Build a Community Around Your Card Deck
Build a Community Around Your Card Deck

Build A Real Card Deck Centered Community

Creating a strong community around your card deck is essential for its success. It fosters engagement, loyalty, and organic growth. The first things to note is your deck needs to be as alive as your community. Nothing interesting or worthwhile ever stops growing and changing. And you deck needs to do the same.

Community building is all about engagement, participation and continual change. Change does not need to be fast, but it needs to be deliberate, constant and celebrated. This is something Decklible enables, it's also something Deckible will get better at with time. It's way more complex and demanding than we ever envisaged, but is is interesting and valuable to support this.

The Slowly Evolving Deck

Gutenberg and the printing press established the basis for standing stil. I'd argue Gutenberg is the source of all pontification and procrastination. Gutenberg makes us fearful of errors and change. Fearful of commitment to being done. Wait til is printed.

I'm a big fan of decks evolving with time. This is in part what keeps people involved. We have imagined many community building features around card decks, I'll explore some ideas later in this post.

Community is Built around 1:9:90 (the 1% Rule)

This is a fascinating rule of thumb that holds water in all my years in the field of social.

  • 1% of people create
  • 9% of people comment
  • 90% of people are passive observers

This rule hold true for just about every community. Nobody can be a creator in every community. We don't have the time, energy, interest or capacity to be so. We are driven by curiosity, passion and interests. Decks are the same.

I'll write more about 1:9:90 in time. It's well known on the web.

First let's explore the importance of community and how Deckible can help you connect with your audience.

The Power of Community

A thriving community around your card deck offers numerous benefits:

  • Increased Engagement: A community provides a platform for fans to share their experiences, ask questions, and connect with each other. This fosters a deeper connection with your deck.
  • Word-of-Mouth Marketing: Satisfied users are your best advocates. A strong community can lead to organic word-of-mouth marketing, expanding your reach.
  • Valuable Feedback: Engaging with your community provides invaluable insights into user experiences, preferences, and ideas for improvement.
  • Loyalty and Retention: Building a sense of belonging fosters loyalty among your audience, encouraging repeat purchases and long-term engagement.

A Community of Experts

A Community of Experts: Decks are all about knowledge. People buy into a deck because of the value it brings to people like them. People pay to join community for core three reasons:

    • The Creator : people buy into an individuals personality, brand, insight, mental models, track record and charisma.
    • The Content : people join to gain access to IP that they view as valuable. Theyh know they can learn by being a member.
    • The Connections to Members : People know that joining will connect with with other people like them who share an interest or passion.

Building a Strong Community

Here are some practical tips to build a thriving community around your card deck:

  • Be Authentic and Engaging: Share your passion for your deck and connect with your audience on a personal level.
  • Listen Actively: Pay attention to your community's feedback and suggestions.
  • Reward and Recognize: Acknowledge and appreciate your community members' contributions and loyalty.
  • Encourage & Openly Appreciate People's Efforts to Share: Promote user-generated content and share it with your wider audience and reward or rather celebrate those people who share it too.
  • Collaborate with Others: Partner with other deck creators or complementary businesses to expand your reach.

How Deckible Can Help

Deckible provides a robust platform for deck creators to load and evolve their deck over time. The aspects of how to cultivate and nurture community are a very interesting question. There is clearly more to build out over time, but the notion of connecting around a deck is entirely valid. Decks are a source of shared passion for many.

  • Dedicated Community Spaces: Create forums or discussion boards where users can interact, share their experiences, and connect with like-minded individuals.
  • User-Generated Content: Encourage users to share their card readings, artwork, free thinking or creative projects inspired by your deck.
  • Interactive Features: Incorporate interactive elements like polls, quizzes, or challenges to stimulate engagement and conversation.
  • Direct Communication: Offer opportunities for direct interaction with your audience through live Q&A sessions, social media integrations, or email newsletters.
  • Collaboration & Membership: Partner with other deck creators or complementary businesses to cross-promote and expand your community.

Building a strong loyal community,

By investing time and effort in building a strong community, you can create a loyal following, enhance your deck's impact, and foster a lasting connection with your audience. Deckible provides the tools and platform to make it happen.

Building a Community on Social Media

Social media platforms offer a powerful way to connect with your audience and build a thriving community around your card deck. Here’s how you can leverage these platforms:

I gather some thoughts below on what this might take:

Choosing the Right Platforms

  • Identify your target audience: Where do they spend their time online?
  • Consider your goals: What do you want to achieve with your social media presence?
  • Focus on a few platforms: It’s better to have a strong presence on a few platforms than a weak presence on many.

Popular platforms for card deck creators include:

  • Deckible: is a platform for creating, exploring, sharing, and discovering digital card decks.
  • Instagram: Visual-focused, ideal for sharing deck artwork, spreads, and user-generated content.
  • Facebook: Versatile platform for building communities, running contests, and engaging with fans.
  • Pinterest: Great for visual discovery, perfect for sharing inspiring images and card spreads.
  • TikTok: Short-form video platform for creative content, challenges, and reaching a younger audience.
  • LinkedIn is a professional networking platform where individuals and businesses connect to share opportunities and build relationships.
  • Etsy is an online marketplace focused on handmade or vintage items and craft supplies.
  • Kickstarter is a crowdfunding platform where creators seek funding for projects from backers who receive rewards in return.

Creating Engaging Content

  • Share deck artwork and spreads: Showcase the beauty of your deck and inspire your audience.
  • Post behind-the-scenes content: Give your followers a glimpse into your creative process.
  • Create interactive content: Polls, quizzes, and challenges can boost engagement.
  • Share user-generated content: Repost and celebrate your fans' creations.
  • Collaborate with other creators: Partner with complementary accounts to reach a wider audience.

Building Relationships

  • Respond to comments and messages promptly: Show your audience that you care.
  • Join relevant online communities: Participate in discussions and share your expertise.
  • Host live Q&A sessions or Instagram Lives: Connect with your audience in real-time.
  • Run contests and giveaways: Encourage engagement and reward your followers.
  • Offer exclusive content for followers: Create a sense of belonging and exclusivity.

Using Relevant Hashtags

  • Research popular hashtags: Use tools like Hashtagify or RiteTag to find relevant hashtags.
  • Create branded hashtags: Encourage users to use your unique hashtag when sharing content.
  • Use a mix of general and niche hashtags: Reach a wider audience while targeting specific interests.

Analytics and Optimization

  • Track your performance: Use platform analytics to measure engagement and reach.
  • Experiment with different content formats: See what resonates best with your audience.
  • Adjust your strategy based on data: Continuously optimize your content and approach.

By consistently creating valuable content, engaging with your audience, and leveraging the power of social media, you can build a strong and loyal community around your card deck.